School Closure Activities

Desperate times call for desperate measures and everyone is posting links to activities a little bit all over. We do not want parents or students to feel overwhelmed. Therefore we will try to keep things as simple as possible, as we learn to deal with this new reality. Truth is, it is not exactly new, as online, independent learning has been the thing for quite some time. But given the situation, we are forced to move more quickly in this direction.

We will be doing 2 things:

  1. We will post a number of links to interesting websites with tasks and activities that are suitable and interesting for children in general.
  2. We will post a list of tasks per year group so that as much as possible, we keep our students on track.

Click on the links below to access the relevant tasks.

General Activities

Tasks for Year 3

Tasks for Year 4

Tasks for Year 5

Tasks for Year 6

We will add material as we go along. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation and patience in these difficult times. Please check these pages regularly.

Note – If you know someone who does not have access to internet, give them a telephone call and let them know what they can do. Help out in any way you can.

Nota – Jekk tafu b’xi ħadd li m’għandux aċċess għall-internet, ċemplulhom u għidulhom x’jistgħu jagħmlu minn dan ix-xogħol. Ejjew ngħinu lil xulxin kemm nistgħu.

Remember to stay safe by staying indoors as much as possible.

St Margaret College