Tasks for Year 3

Please click on the links below for the tasks that Year 3 students can work on week by week. We appreciate that it is not easy, especially if parents are also working from home. We are aiming to provide a structure and strike a balance, keeping in mind that the current situation is impacting everyone. Parents should of course monitor what the children are doing. However, as much as possible, children should be encouraged to work independently – they are more apt at using digital technology than most of us are and they should not have any problems finding their way around these tasks. The work assigned should keep the children busy for about 2 hours every day.

Note – If you know someone who does not have access to internet, give them a telephone call and let them know what they can do. Help out in any way you can.

Nota – Jekk tafu b’xi ħadd li m’għandux aċċess għall-internet, ċemplulhom u għidulhom x’jistgħu jagħmlu minn dan ix-xogħol. Ejjew ngħinu lil xulxin kemm nistgħu.

Third Term

Work for Year 3 students will be made available through Class Dojo on a weekly basis. Please ensure that you log in to Class Dojo regularly, once you have received the invite from the teachers.

St Margaret College