Scholastic Year 2024 – 2025

Dear Parents/Guardians

Preparation for the new scholastic year are well underway. We will use this space to update you with all the relevant information and details you will need.

We kindly ask that you refrain from calling or emailing the school for information. Please understand that if the information is not here, then it is not available yet!

General Information

Please read the information contained in this booklet carefully. This is especially useful for new parents.


We use various channels of communication to reach including this website, email, and our Facebook Page.

Ignore any information that is not official.

We make every effort to communicate with parents in a clear and timely manner. There is a huge difference between “I have not received any email from school” and “I have not bothered reading any email I received from school”. We keep a track record of every email sent out, including date and time. Please act responsibly.

Calendar of Events

The calendar of events is constantly updated here.

The first day of school for all students will be 25 September 2024.

School Transport

The application for school transport is available here. For any information or help regarding school transport, please call 2598 1888.

Transport will begin operating on the first day of school. During the initial days, there may be some delays. Please avoid calling the school to check on transport status, as the office staff will not have real-time information on arrival or departure times.

School Uniform

School uniform is available from Yorkie Clothing. The uniform may also be bought from the office of the College Principal on 22 August 2024, or from Zabbar A on 23 August 2024.

The uniform for Zabbar B is the same as that of Zabbar A and the Middle School. If it still fits, then you do not need to buy a new uniform!

Stationery Lists

Year 3 – English Version

Year 4 – English Version, Maltese Version

Year 5 – English Version, Maltese Version

Year 6 – English Version

Breakfast Club

Application for Breakfast Club for 2024-2025 are out. Check school and Edukazzjoni Facebook page. An SMS was also sent to you. Application form:

Breakfast Club will start operating from the first day of school, Wednesday 25 September 2024. Breakfast starts at 07:00 am. The school is not responsible for any children before 07:00 am.

Klabb 3-16

Applications for Klabb 3-16 will be available here.

It is parents’ responsibility to ensure that children who need to stay after school are registered for Klabb from DAY 1!

School staff is not responsible for any child who is not picked up on time. While we understand that sometimes a parent may be running late, this should be the exception and not the rule. Parents who abuse the system will be reported to the relevant authorities, including Law Enforcement and Child Protection.

Meetings with Parents

At the beginning of the year we will hold meetings with parents as follows:

We understand that there may be clashes with meetings scheduled by other schools . Please prioritize the meeting you feel is most important for you and your child. Our teachers will provide you with a summary and any important updates via email.

Class Allocations

Class teacherClass LSE/s
1Yr 3.1Stephanie MifsudIngrid Delia
2Yr 3.2Joann VellaCaroline Abela Lia
3Yr 3.3Roberta Carabott CacciatoloElaine Bondin
4Yr 3.4Marie Claire Camilleri SalibaMirenne Atkins
5Yr 3.5Gertrude CamilleriJulie Buttigieg
6Yr 4.1Georgette GauciIsabel Ebejer
7Yr 4.2Cahterine GialanzeJanesse Camilleri
8Yr 4.3Joanne MalliaClaire Cesare Spagnol / Vanessa Marshall
9Yr 4.4Elaine MalliaSarah Bartolo
10Yr 4.5Jessica SciclunaStephania Sammut
11Yr 4.6Janice VassalloEstelle Cassar Muscat
12Yr 5.1Luke VassalloMarica Rodo
13Yr 5.2Deborah BartoloDarlene Schembri / Stephania Muscat
14Yr 5.3Yasmine CarabottAmanda Brincat
15Yr 5.4Isabel DebonoJoslyn Cutajar
16Yr 5.5Pierre SpiteriJoseph Spiteri Cappello
17Yr 5.6Mario ZerafaGiacinta Caruana
18Yr 6.1Cynthia SpiteriMarilyn Agius / Daniela Busutill Galea
19Yr 6.2Warren ZammitStephania Zammit / Natasha Zerafa
20Yr 6.3Elaine GrechBernardette Mifsud
21Yr 6.4Reuben VellaGraziella Micallef / Romina Caruana
22Yr 6.5Franklan DebonoElizabeth Mifsud

Nurture ClassJanice Galea ZahraFiona Marmara
LSEMelanie Sciberras
LSEFiona Zerafa Mercieca
LSENaomi Spiteri
Peripatetic Teachers
Sherry Anne GauciArt
Emarlys SciberrasPSCD
Charmaine CassarPSCD
Sabrina AbugrinPE
Carmel GaleaMusic
Cherise AmairaPE
Amaria CiliaEthics

Head of SchoolNicholas Agius
Deputy Head (Year 6)Lisa Cocker
Deputy Head (Year 4)Josienne Scicluna
Deputy Head (Year 5)Mary Anne Vaaben
Deputy Head (Year 3)Mary Grace Newbould

Updating Details

Once school starts in September, we will send you a form so that you may provide/update student details, including addresses, telephone numbers and emergency contact details. We will then double check these details with those in our system to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date.

Remember that it is your responsibility to inform us of any changes in contact details that may occur during the scholastic year.

School Attendance

School attendance is mandatory. Please use this form to justify 1 or 2-day absences. Students are to hand in this form either before or immediately upon coming back to school after an absence. We will also provide a hard copy of the form when school starts.

Please note that if a student is sick for more than 2 consecutive days, a medical certificate needs to be presented. Unauthorised absences are automatically flagged and reported if they exceed 2 days in a month or 9 days in any given period.

Getting in Touch

The best way to get in touch with us is via email – or via phone. It may take us some time to reply but rest assured, we will. You might use other means of communication but we exclusively use the above listed.