Online Teaching/Tagħlim Onlajn

As of Monday 15 March, all teaching and learning will shift online.

Kindly refer to the attached document for detailed information.

Teachers will continue to communicate with parents via Class Dojo. We will also communicate via MySchool. Live online lessons will be held through Microsoft TEAMs as described in the attached documents.

Minn nhar it-Tnejn 15 ta’ Marzu, it-tagħlim kollu ser isir onlajn.

Jekk jogħġobkom araw id-dokument mehmuż għal aktar informazzjoni.

L-għalliema ser ikomplu jikkomunikaw magħkom permezz ta’ Class Dojo. Ser nużaw ukoll MySchool biex nikkomunikaw magħkom. Lezzjonijiet online live ser isiru permezz ta’ Microsoft TEAMs kif spjegat fid-dokument mehmuż.

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash